utorak, 12. veljače 2013.

Pope Benedict XVI resignation

 Pope Benedict XVI will resign Feb 28, the Vatican has confirmed.


Speaking in Latin to a small gathering of cardinals at the Vatican on Monday morning, Benedict said that after examining his conscience “before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise” of leading the world’s one billion Roman Catholics

Photo source:http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/index.htm

Giovanna Chirri, who covers the Vatican for Italy’s ANSA news agency and is the editor of a lay people’s newspaper, was the first reporter who broke the story about Pope's resignation yesterday. 

«Giovanna Chirri è la giornalista dell'Ansa che ha dato per prima al mondo la notizia delle dimissioni del Papa. Ha capito le sue parole in latino.» Read more in the following article by Il Messaggero:

                                    Photo source Il Messagero facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Il-Messaggeroit/124918220854917

Here are some of the comments by Giovanna Chirri on her twitter page:

«Less than 2 months after tweeting for the first time on his official Twitter account, Pope Benedict XVI announced he is signing off from the papacy.» Read more in the following article by Huffington Post:

There are also many comments on social networks on this topic. Some of them you can read here

On twitter Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti said that he respects and sympathizes with the Pope's decision:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel also commented that she had the “very highest respect” for German-born Pope Benedict XVI's decision: 

On this blog you can find chronologically listed news reports and world political leaders' comments on the Pope's decision to resign


During his first foreign trip after becoming a Pope, Pope Benedict XVI visited for the first and and only time Croatia in June 2011 where he was greeted by thousands of the Catholic believers from Croatia and all around the region. That was the only visit of the Pope Benedict XVI to the South East European region during his reign. In the following clip from youtube you can see part of the atmosphere among the gathered believers at the Zagreb Hipodrom:

                                             youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fikM9M4SFYM

On the facebook page opened on the occassion of the Pope's visit to Croatia numerous comments appeared yesterday after he announced his resignation. Link below:


Many Croatian media opened their social media site to comment on the decision of Pope Benedict XVI to resign. Link below:


NEW! Washington Post has listed in its article the list of the potential candidates to succeed the leaving Pope Benedict XVI, including the Hungarian candidate Peter Erdo, archbishop of Budapest and Head of the Conference of Bishops fo Europe. More in the following link to the Washington Post article:


Francis Schussler Fiorenza a professor of Roman Catholic theological studies at the Divinity School gave an interview for Harvard Gazette on the possible Pope successor. More on this link: http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2013/02/vatican-in-flux/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=fb-wall


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