ponedjeljak, 11. veljače 2013.

Milk and meat affairs


The latest scandal with the Croatian milk brands produced by Dukat and Vindija broke out on February 9 when Bosnia and Herzegovina banned the import of milk produced by the Croatian companies Dukat and Vindija, claiming that certain imported packages contained levels of carcinogenic aflatoxins above the acceptable levels. In the meantime, Montenegrin authorities also ordered the withdrawal of the disputed milk packages from shelves in shops in Montenegro. Reacting on the introduced milk import ban from Croatia Croatia's Agriculture Ministry said on February 9 that there was no reason to panic over minimally increased levels of aflatoxins in some milk packages of the Dukat and the Vindija dairy companies, as the established concentrations of these naturally occurring mycotoxins had no impact on human health. According to the Croatian officials the contaminated milk was not imported to Croatia from abroad but came from the Croatian farms saying that the source of contagion is most likely infected Croatian corn used for producing stock feed.

                                               Source: www.novilist.hr

Different news texts on this latest affair involving Dukat and Vindija milk have appeared in the last 2 days on various Croatian web portals.

«Ministarstvo poljoprivrede kao nacionalna kontakt točka za sustav brzog uzbunjivanja za hranu i hranu za životinje (HR RASFF) obavještava potrošače o povlačenju i opozivu pojedinih šarži mlijeka sa tržišza, proizvođača Vindije i Dukata, u svrhu prevencije i zaštite potrošača zbog sumnje na povećanu koncentraciju Aflatoksina M1, na koju su upozoreni sa tržišta BiH.» Read more in the following text:

«Najveći prodajni lanac u Crnoj Gori – Voli naložio je povlačenje iz svojih objekata mlijeko hrvatskog proizvodjača “Dukat”, nakon što je hrvatsko ministarstvo poljoprivrede priopćilo da će s tržišta biti povučena pojedina pakovanja trajnog mlijeka “Dukat” i “Vindija” zbog sumnje na povećanu koncentraciju kancerogenog sastojka Aflatoksina M1.» Read more in the following text:

«U povodu povlačenja pojedinih vrsta trajnog mlijeka s tržišta zbog prisutnosti štetnih sastojaka, pomoćnica hrvatskog ministara poljoprivrede Mirjana Mataušić Pišl izjavila je kako je sporno mlijeko s domaćih farmi, a ne iz uvoza, kako su to sugerirali Nedjeljko Babić, dopredsjednik HSUPM-a, i Mato Mlinarić iz Nezavisnih hrvatskih seljaka.» read more in the following text published on the Hrvatska Rijec website:

«Još malo pa će biti vijest kada se u pakiranjima mlijeka za široku potrošnju nađu tragovi prirodnoga mlijeka, a potpuni šok kad tragovi tog mlijeka budu proizvedeni u Hrvatskoj.» Read more in the following column text:

You can read more comments on the latest affair with the Dukat and Vindija milk in the following tweets:


Great Britain first discovered the presence of horse meat in what were supposed to be beef burgers in late January, but subsequent investigations later found the tainted products in Ireland and now other EU countries, including France and Sweden. Benoit Hamon, French junior minister for consumer goods, in a statement given February 10th said that French company Poujol had bought the meats from a Cypriot supplier who in turn had sourced the meat from a Dutch company which had been supplied by two Romanian abattoirs. On the other hand Sorin Minea, head of Romania's food federation, said that French importers must have known that they were not buying beef, but Romanian President Traian Basescu warned that Romania would face loss of credibility and export restrictions "for many years" if the allegations prove to be true.

                                                                Source: www.whaleoil.co.nz

Romanian Agriculture Minister Daniel Constantin said on February 10 that the government had tasked sanitary authorities with reporting on whether Romanian slaughterhouses had supplied horse meat for export instead of beef. "We will punish any violations if the reports are confirmed,” the minister said. Read more in the following text published on balkaninsight webpage:

                                                            Source: http://www.franceinter.fr/depeche-le-scandale-de-la-viande-de-cheval

«Auchan, Casino, Carrefour, Cora, Monoprix et Picard ont retiré des produits Findus et Comigel de la vente, après la découverte en Europe de viande de cheval dans des plats au boeuf, a annoncé dimanche la Fédération du commerce et de la distribution (FCD). Le groupe suéois Findus annonce une plainte contre X.» Read more in the following text published on the franceinter web page:

«Within the last two week in the UK we have been horrified to find out that many of our frozen beef products, definitely aren't what it states on the label. It all started when it was reported that several of our leading brands found horse DNA in the beefburgers they were selling.» Read more in the following blog text:

«On the Sunday Politics show, when Andrew Neil asked if it was his intention to place a moratorium on meat imports until tests are complete and results prove our food is safe, Owen Paterson mumbled he couldn't do that because the EU regulations forbid it.» Read more in the following blog text:

«There are huge profits being made at present by international food processors, targeting cheap and nutritionally questionable food at sections of our society that can least afford them. The margins between the farmer and end consumer are outrageous. «Read more in the following blog text:

«Officials say there is no evidence so far of a food safety risk and that it is very unlikely that these products will make anyone sick. But there are concerns that "bute," a painkilling drug sometimes given to horses, might creep into the human food chain.» Read more in the following blog text:

You can read more comments on the latest affair with the horse meat found in beefburgers in the following tweets:

Burger King has acknowledged this week that some of its burgers in Britain and Ireland included horsemeat, the latest development in an ongoing scandal. Read more in the following blog text and in the following clip from the youtube:

                                                                        Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpfdrJ8Lwvg

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