Historic day for Croatia. Flags, photos of the generals, songs, crying and tears in the eyes. Prayers they say have been answered;
photo source:http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=180077998799917&set=pb.179266498881067.-2207520000.1354651045&type=3&theater
ICTY Appeal Chamber has acquitted the generals Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markac of any responsibility for the participation in the joint criminal endavour and for crimes committed during and after the military operation Storm.Appeal Chamber has firstly overturned the first instance verdict by which the generals have been sentenced to 24, i.e. 18, years in prison, and then studied the evidences again and concluded that the two generals cannot be either alternatively responsible as helpers in the joint criminal endavour or for the lapse as commanders.
With the final judgment of the ICTY it has been confirmed that the two generals have not been part of the joint criminal endavour and that they are not responsible for illegal artillery attacks on the civilian targets during the military operation Storm which was the basis of their acquitting verdict.
You can watch the pronouncement of the verdict in the live broadcast from the ICTY in the following video clip:
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=w1xsan_tK-4
After the
ICTY has acquitted and released them Croatian generals Ante Gotovina and Mladen
Markac arrived by plane in Zagreb the same day.
They have
been welcomed at the Zagreb airport by dozens of domestic and international
journalists, as well as numerous citizens and airport employees who waved the
Croatian flags, applauded and shouted «Ante, Ante».
«We are happy for being all together
this evening. This is our joint victory. We had a storm during the war, but
this was a real legal «storm». We have won. This is the final dot in a string.
The war belongs to the past. We should all turn together to the future», said
Gotovina on that occassion.
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