utorak, 1. listopada 2013.

BiH population census

Photo: Damir Hajdarbasic, Radiosarajevo.ba

A  long awaited population and household census in Bosnia and Herzegovina, finally, after 22 years, has started this morning at 09:00 a.m.  The last population census in BiH was held in 1991, when the country was still a part of former Yugoslavia. According to this census, Bosnia and Herzegovina had a population of 4,377 million. There were 43.47 per cent of Muslims, 31.21% Serbs and 17.38% Croats.  The rest of population have declared themselves as members of minority groups.  
The census is expected to show an exact social and economic situation in Bosnia and reveal changes of population caused by the war between 1992-1995.
Everybody with the permanent residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina who is not absent from the country for longer than 12 months will be enumerated. Majority of online comments indicate that BiH citizens are not thrilled about the census:

 The population census will take place from October 1 to October 15. The complete processing of data collected during this period will take 18 months and all the work must be completed by 2016.
This represents one of the most important and complex projects in the country aimed to benefit every citizen of BiH claim members of the Census Organization Commission. Costs of this census are estimated at 26 million Euros, the fact that provoked more bitter comments: 

 Other comments and opinions regarding this topic, you can read below: 

Too many controversies and different opinions regarding national identity have been stirred by the BiH census.


In the meantime, a Bosnian artist Damir Niksic posted a video on You Tube in which he sarcastically explained controversies regarding BiH cenzus declarations. The video has been shared many times among Facebook users in BiH:

Another personal opinion about BiH population census you can read on this blog post: 

 "Ono što su bili moji pretci ja ne moram biti, a ono što ja jesam danas, moja djeca možda neće htjeli ili neće morati da budu sutra, zato mislim da je veoma važno da se lideri prestanu petljati u naše živote".


utorak, 18. lipnja 2013.

Baby revolution

                                                                        Photo: Damir Hajdarbasic, radiosarajevo.ba

 A three-month-old baby Berina Hamidovic was the first victim of politicising over identity numbers, which has united Bosnians in protests against the irresponsible BiH authorities. 

Little Berina was one of thousands Bosnian babies who could not get a personal identification number in the period that lasts since February 2013 in BiH. 

She was diagnosed at birth with a tracheoesophageal fistula on the anastomosis so she was not able to eat. After an unsuccessful operation in Sarajevo, little Berina was transferred to Belgrade's hospital, but unfortunately, it was too late. Due to financial problems and problems with getting personal identification number, she couldn't get a passport on time, baby Berina died. 

Thousands of Bosnians gathered in front of BiH parliament on Saturday night and lit candles in memory of Berina

                                                        Photo: Facebook/Fedja Stukan

There are so many comments on social media regarding  protests for ID numbers in BiH (JMBG Protest) . Some of them you can read below:

The many international media reported on Baby revolution in BiH. One of the most shared media stories in the last two days on social media is a story below:

The protests over ID numbers started two weeks ago after another 3-month-old baby was unable to leave for urgent surgery abroad because lawmakers could not agree how to redraw the districts that determine the 13-digit identification number assigned to each citizen.


The protests will continue today with a concert that will start at 17:00 in front of the BiH Parliament in Sarajevo, with performances by several well-known Bosnian bands called “Perform for JMBG"

Some famous public figures from Serbia supported protests for JMBG on facebook today:

                                                                        source: facebook/cedomir jovanovic